Riley's Place is a 30-year dream coming true. After being in the restaurant entertainment industry for many years, I retired and started my own business 25 years ago. I love people and I love music (both are great for the soul). People need people. I used to manage Colonel Shephard House Tavern many years ago (where Riley's is now) and it always held a special place in my heart. It is very unique, kind of like a tavern you'd see in Ireland. Old wood and beams made from trees. Colonel Shepard House is over 200 years old and has some great history with Colonel John Shepard (google him).
When we (my ex-husband and myself. Weird, I know, but its working) opened Riley's Place, which we named after our granddaughter Riley, we wanted it to be a place for everyday people and their families. We wanted Riley's Place to be a place where you could come and feel right at home with some good homemade foods and some great music. Good for the soul. We wanted Riley's to be a place where musicians just loved to play. Our acoustics are amazing, we have some very talented sound engineers that are making our place the best musical venue in our little town of Milford NH.
Riley's Place has one rule for all here, treat the customers, musicians and each other with kindness and respect. Always.
That rule seems to be the one thing that stands out with our customers (also our food)!
So, come visit us and try some of Erica's homemade delights, try one of my drinks (I am a mixologist) and listen to some great music and feel welcomed and at home.
Kim, Gregg & The Staff